fredag, november 28, 2008

A simpler time!

Last weekend I didn't experince much, but I do have some experiences that I've gained through weekdays that I haven't told you about and one of them is about the simple life of South Africa.
One day the electricity disappeared and all I was stuck with was a candle. And apparently it will be more often because they have to save their energy.
The other simple thing is eating. I've found myself eating nothing but bread, and drinking water, several times troughout the 3 months I've been here. Also we have been eating just meat. We pay a prize for an amount of meat, they grill it, then we eat it while we are dipping it in salt. It couldn't have been done easier. But that's a part of the South African life, and I'm about to get used to it!

fredag, november 21, 2008

A small defeat, but for the greater good!

As I wrote in the beginning of this adventure I made a promise of experiencing new things every weekend. But during my first 3 months I've come to realize that there are to many factors that needs to work out before I can be able to do it. The availability of different people will not always be at hand, enough possibilities for each weekend might not be possible. But my biggest argument is my own availability. Recently I had the chance to go to Johannesburg for a weekend with a friend. But then I had to choose between work and pleasure, and my main goal down here is to be there 100% for my work. I was able to do something new that weekend, but sometimes work just have to come before my "crazy" goals. And to be honest I feel much better doing a good job, that is my purpose, then running around doing other things for my own pleasure.
Another factor is also important to think about. After it becomes dark it is dangerous to be outside, and even though I've been outside late, it isn't always a possibility. Like last weekend. I wanted to go out on saturday, but didn't have anyone to go with. So I had to stay inside. In a "desperate" attempt to have something to do I tried to put some norwegian mentality (at least a mentality that I know of) into the building. I where able to by some snacks just around the corner and gathered some guys to play some cards. My first intention was to learn them something new, but they quickly showed more interest in the one game they already knew; casino. We tried to play it, but they had to many distractions and didn't show the interest that was needed so I gave up. But no hard feelings. I was able to go to bed a bit earlier, and it was good. It is just one of the many adaptions that needs to be done.
I'm all well and no hard feelings neither towards them or missing out on one of my part-time goals. Hope my readers are okay with it as well!
However I will continue to do new things as much as possible, so who knows how many new things I will end up doing? Maybe in total it will actually be the same amount!
I feel happy about my conclusion and hoping you guys can too!
Take care of your possibilities untill next time!

torsdag, november 13, 2008

Tensing festival november '08!

This was maybe one of the better weekends during my stay so fare! Beause this weekend Durban YMCA was the host of a tensing festival. And the best part was that a group of norwegians were here! A class from Rønningen folkehøgskule was here on a visit and to join the festival. Every night throughout the festival we played cards. And it was so much fun!
The festival itself was also really good. Everybody who attended had a great time and what a show we put on! We had dancing, singing, drama and poetry, and everything we did had so much energy and joy behind it. An experience for life, most definitly. I will just send a thanks to all of those who participated. Thanks!

onsdag, november 05, 2008

Saturday night fever!

This was not about the movie, but about the night fever of Durban. This weekend me and Mr. Thomspon went to the Suncoast Casino to see another part of the Durban night life, as I have experienced Skyy bar before. I must admit that I had a great time even though gambling is a bad thing, but I didn't spend money. So it was really just about being out there and experiencing new things. And also there were enough people throwing their money away anyway so I didn't feel guilty either. It was just a special atmosphere and everybody seemed to have a great time.

måndag, november 03, 2008

Out after 18.00!

Last weekend, Saturday 25th of October, I went to the cinema. It was a nice experience to go out and do "normal" stuff again. As you can tell I haven't been outside that much because it is to dangerous, but this time I just wanted to do something else then sitting on my computer. So I went and watched "Dangerous Bangkok". It was an okay movie, but the best part was to be outside. Hope you guys can enjoy your movies as well.