onsdag, april 25, 2007

Oxford on one day!

I will write this one for my english friends that can not read norwegian;p

In february this year me and some of my team members in London went up to Oxford as tourists:) It was so fun:D At least for me:p I just kept running around taking LOADS of pictures and actually some of them I really think was really good:) And not even just me..
It was really interesting to see how Oxford was built up.. Some amazing buildings:) I must say that I probably took many pictures of the same, but I had great fun taking them so I don't care..
Maybe not the most interesting, but I was not the only one who looked..
Not the most normal entrence, but nice

It is weird that peopl could build like that without the equipment that we have today..A small taste of spring:)

Så var det "påan" igjen!

Eg vil berre skrive ein artikkel om kor djupt vonbroten eg er fordi eg ikkje har halde dykk oppdatert på min front for Jesus i London. Det er ikkje so mykje eg kan sei om det anna enn at eg skal ATTER ein gong prøve å kome med jamnlege innlegg for dykk lesarar.
Eg set veldig stor pris på dykkar tolmod.
